RECEPTION 2023 - 2024

Miss Hodson

Year 1


Welcome to Reception

Class Teachers - Miss Hodson & Miss Charlton

Teaching Assistants - Miss Jones & Mrs Akintunde

 Outreach TA - Mrs Cavanagh

Our topic question is -

  Isn't it great to Celebrate? 


At Crosslee Community Primary School our EYFS curriculum aims to provide opportunities for our children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. Our goal is to ensure that all children are happy and engaged.

The curriculum in Early Years is designed to provide a language rich, broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. It facilitates them to gain the skills, knowledge and understanding, as they start out on their educational journey, supporting them to progress from their individual starting points and preparing them for the next stage of their education.


Class Dojo: Please check Class Dojo for regularly for weekly updates, newsletters and photographs.

Homework: Talking homework will be given on a Friday. You're child will be given a question or topic to talk about at home. You can add this to your child's Class Dojo portfolio.

Uniform: Uniform should always be well-presented and it would be very helpful for staff if children could have their names on their uniform especially jumpers and cardigans. 

Outdoor Provision: We offer our children continuous outdoor learning throughout the year so we ask parents to ensure that children have suitable clothing that is appropriate for all weathers, for example, sun hat, wellies, coat. Also during the hot weather we ask that parents apply sun cream prior to bringing them in school.

Reading Books: We send home reading books each Monday for parents to read with their child and would like them returned back to school on the Friday. Book bags can be purchased from the school office.

Milk and fruit: All children are provided with a piece of fruit and a carton of milk every afternoon during our 'snack time'. 

P.E.: In Recpetion we have different P.E slots during the week including dance and outdoor games. Please can all children bring their P.E kits in a bag on Mondays. This can be left on their peg until Friday when they can take it home. P.E kits should include pumps/trainers, a white T-Shirt, Black shorts/joggers and a black jumper/jacket in cold weather. All items should be clearly labeled with your childs name.



Parent Guides to how we teach your child in school: 


Our Yearly Plan: (TBC)

Speach and Language activities: Tiny Happy People

Phonics guide: Read. Write. Inc. 

Talk 4 Writing guide: What is Talk for Writing? Pie Corbett retelling The Little Red Hen

Maths guide: (TBC)










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Contact us

Crosslee Primary School

Crosslee Road


Manchester, M9 6TG

0161 795 8493