Old Moat Primary School

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Online Safety

The Internet has become an integral part of children’s lives, enabling them to talk to their friends, complete school work, play games and access information from around the world. Increasing provision of the Internet in and out of schools brings with it the need to ensure that children are safe.

Internet development is constantly evolving with many websites enabling amazing creativity and interaction between peers.

Unfortunately, there are times when Internet use can have a negative effect on children. Crosslee Community Primary School is aware of the potential dangers and takes measures to ensure safe usage by all.

This area of our school website is dedicated to helping users better understand the issues around online safety and manage the risks more effectively.

Teaching Safe Use of the Internet and ICT

We believe that it is crucial to teach pupils how to use the Internet safely, both at home and at school.

The main aspects of this approach include the following five SMART tips:

Safe - Never give out personal information to strangers on the internet

Meet - Never ever meet up with a stranger you've met online

Accepting - Don't open emails from people you don't know

Reliable - Don't believe everything you read online, check your facts!

Tell - If you have an online safety problem make sure you tell someone

At Crosslee we teach online safety through curriculum subjects such as PSHE, RSE and Computing. We also teach online safety through themed events such as Safer Internet Day and Mental Health Week. When online safety is taught discretely, class teachers use the lessons from National Online Safety.

The National Online Safety lesson plans are directly aligned to and support the:

  • UKCIS Education for a Connected World Framework
  • DfE Relationships Education
  • DfE Teaching online safety in school guidance

Based on the 8 topics outlined in the UKCIS Education for a Connected World Framework, the lesson plans cover:

  1. Self Image and Identity
  2. Online Relationships
  3. Online Reputation
  4. Online Bullying
  5. Managing Online Information
  6. Health, Wellbeing and lifestyle
  7. Privacy and Security
  8. Copyright and Ownership

 Online safety at home

At school we take the safety of our pupils very seriously including their safety while they access the internet, we want this approach to e-safety to spread to the home online environment too and we are therefore sharing with you some tips and resources to help you guide your children and help you keep up to date in a digital world. Here are a few websites to help you keep your children safe on line:

NSPCC https://www.nspcc.org.uk/

Thinkuknow https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/

CEOP https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/

Childnet https://www.childnet.com/young-people/4-11-year-olds/get-smart/

Digital parenting https://www.vodafone.co.uk/mobile/digital-parenting

Internet Matters https://www.internetmatters.org/

If you have any concerns or worries about your child and online safety and would like further advice, please contact a member of the safeguarding team.

Crosslee Community Primary School Safeguarding Team

Miss Crew – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Wadsworth – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Miss Roberts – Assistant Head Teacher

Ms Dickson – SENDCo

Ms Rushton – Home School Liaison Officer

Mrs Cavanagh – Early Years Outreach Worker

Miss Mack – Behaviour and SEND lead teaching Assistant

National Online Safety Parent Guides

Click on any of the parent guides below to find out more information on how you can keep your child safe online.

Call of Duty


Fake News




Online Safety







You tube kids

More information on how to keep your child safe online can be found on the National Online Safety app.


We're excited to announce that our FREE mobile app for parents is now available to download via your app store:Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

The app makes our award-winning resources even easier to use by giving you free access through any smart phone. It’s a simple and flexible way to get authoritative, helpful guidance on online safety issues – whenever and wherever you choose.

On the National Online Safety app you'll find:

  • Hundreds of online safety guides on the topics you need to know about – from screen addiction, fake news and trolling to hacking, social media influencers and sexting;
  • An online safety training course for parents – developed by our experts and delivered by online safety ambassador Myleene Klass;
  • A user-friendly interface with increased functionality – find exactly what you need, when you need it;
  • The option to get notifications to your phone as soon as new content becomes available – so you can stay up-to-date with the latest online crazes (and risks);
  • An in-app voting system so you can help determine the subjects you’d like us to cover in future;
  • The facility to personalise your content by favouriting key resources.

Files to Download

E-safety Policy

TiK Tok Guide

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC)

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC) Trust is a values-led Cooperative Multi-Academy Trust of four diverse primary schools in the North-West of England. Our core principle is that 'Together We Make The Difference' and our aim is to share our passion for education and learning, developing schools that make learning irresistible. We are committed to working in collaboration to improve outcomes for children. Our schools are unique and individual places where the curriculum and quality of education are tailored to the needs of the community.

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