School Meals
Your child may have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. If you pay for your child’s dinner, payments need to be made through Parent Pay, our online system. Every parent has individual log on details in order to access Parent Pay however if you have any issues please contact the school.
All dinners are provided by our schools catering team and comply with healthy eating requirements.
Packed lunches should be sent in a clearly named lunchbox and in line with the school’s Healthy Eating Policy. They should not contain any sweets, chocolate bars, glass bottles, fizzy or high energy drinks.
If you wish your child to change from a packed lunch to a school dinner or vice versa, we will require one week’s notice. If you would like to change, please notify the office.
Free School Meals:
Your child may be entitled to free school meals. Please apply using the following link:
You will be informed straight away if your child is entitled to a free school meal or not. If you are entitled, we will automatically receive an email notifying us.
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