Old Moat Primary School

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The School Day

 Nursery - Year 6
8:45 School opens
11:45 - 12:45 Reception lunch time
12:00 - 13:00 Y1, 3 and 4 lunch time
12:30 - 13:30 Y2, 5 and 6 lunch time
15:15 School closes


School starts promptly at 8:45 am and we expect pupils to be here on time. If for some unavoidable reason you are late, please still bring your child to school but drop them off at the school office.

Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children until the gates open.

Total school hours each week 32 hours 30 minutes

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC)

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC) Trust is a values-led Cooperative Multi-Academy Trust of four diverse primary schools in the North-West of England. Our core principle is that 'Together We Make The Difference' and our aim is to share our passion for education and learning, developing schools that make learning irresistible. We are committed to working in collaboration to improve outcomes for children. Our schools are unique and individual places where the curriculum and quality of education are tailored to the needs of the community.

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