YEAR 1C 2024 - 2025
Miss Colligan
Welcome to Y1C
Class teacher - Miss Colligan
Teaching assistant - Miss Khadijah
Our topic this half term is Where do the wheels on the bus go?
As scientists we will be learning parts of the body and using our senses.
As historians we will be comparing transport from the past and present and discussing how they have changed through time.
As geographers we will be looking at features from our local area and naming the countries of the United Kingdom.
As artists we will be looking at the work of Hundertwasser and using a range of different media.
We will be focusing on the British Value of Individual Liberty this half term which will also link to our Children's Rights:
2: You have the right to protection against discrimination.This means that nobody can treat
you badly because of your colour, sex or religion, if you speak another language, have a disability, or are rich or poor.
31: You have the right to play and relax by doing things
like sports, music and drama
Additional information
We have PE every Monday and Forest School on a Tuesday this half term. Children are to wear their PE kit to school on these days. PE kit includes white t shirt, black jogging bottoms, black pumps/trainers and school cardigan/jumper.
Please bring reading books in every Wednesday to be changed. Make sure you write in your child's reading record everytime you read with them.