Nurture Principle this half term: Our school is a safe place to be
At Crosslee Primary we strive to be nurturing school as we believe it is important to ensure our pupils are in a nurturing environment that supports them to learn.
Our Nurture Principle this half term is 'Our school is a safe place to be'.
Why is this important?
A safe base helps you to:
•Ask questions
•Take risks in your learning
•Make mistakes
•Be yourself!
All of these things help us to do our best learning.
Here are some if the things we do in Crosslee Primary, to ensure 'Our school is a safe place to be':
*we provide Daily breakfast club
*we have regular pupil voice groups where the children can voice opinions
*we ask children to choose 5 trusted adults that they can talk to if worried
*we have signposting around school to remind children of adults they can talk to
*we have regular assemblies on anti bullying and mental health to support children's well being
*we have a worry box in each class for children to share concerns