Year 2H 2024 - 2025
Miss Hyde
Miss Abdulhafeez
Welcome to Year 2H
Miss Hyde and Miss Halimah
General information:
PE kit should be brought into school on a Monday and will be sent home on a Friday. PE kit is a white tshirt and black jogging bottoms or leggings with trainers. PE is on a Monday and Wednesday however this can change due to other event, this is why it is important that PE kits stay in school all week.
Reading books and reading diaries should be brought into school everyday. An adult in class will check reading diaries each week. Children should be reading at least three times a week.
This half term we will be learning about Kings and Queens and learning about materials in science.
Q1 – What is a Monarch?
Q2 – Who was Queen Elizabeth 1st?
Q3 – What did Queen Victoria do for her country?
Q4 – What was school like for Monarchs?
Q5 – Who was the best queen? .
Q6 – Can you create a royal portrait?
Here is the overview of our Autumn 2 topic:
Famous People:
This half term we will be looking at the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth 2nd
Rights Respecting School:
As a Rights Respecting School we will be looking at Article 14 this half term -
I have the right to freedom of thought and religion.
British Values:
The British value we are looking at this term is Individual Liberty:
Other information:
PE kit should be brought into school at the start of every half term and stay in school. It will be sent home at the end of the half term to be cleaned and should be brought back in after the school holiday. PE kit is a white tshirt and black jogging bottoms or leggings with trainers.
Reading books and reading diaries should be brought into school everyday.
Spelling and maths homework will be given out every Friday.